A visual arts portfolio for artist Meredith Frances Lynch. Contact the artist at mflynch82@hotmail.com
Friday, September 12, 2008
Artist Bio, August 2008
Meredith Frances Lynch is a Sydney based artist. She studied at Rhode Island School of Design, USA as well as receiving First Class Honours and a Master of Visual Arts from Sydney College of the Arts. In 2007, two publications to her credit include an essay published by the Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts: ‘Practice Based Learning: Learning through Doing’; as well as an artist profile featured in the Art Almanac, July. The University of Sydney Union awarded Lynch first place in the annual arts and literature prize for the abstract painting category and Lynch also spoke on a panel at The Arts Research Symposium at Edith Cowan University, Perth in 2007. In 2008 Lynch has curated one exhibition: ‘The Surface of Painting’ at Horus and Deloris Contemporary Art, Sydney. This year will also see the Master of Visual Arts awarded for the project entitled ‘Embodied Meanings: The Possibilities of Narrative for Abstract Art’; as well as a solo exhibition at Mori Gallery, Sydney. In July 2008 she will also have an essay published in the International Journal for the Arts (Birmingham Art and Design Institute, UK). Still to come this year: Lynch will take up placement as a Bundanon Artist in Residence as well as being exhibited as a finalist for the Fauvette Loureiro Memorial Artists Travel Scholarship.