Sunday, November 8, 2009

Recent Exhibition at Peloton, December 2009

My recent show 'shapes and patterns' opened at Peloton gallery, Thursday 3 Dec, 2009

The show continued until 19 December 2009 at Peloton, 19 + 25 Meagher Street, Chippendale, Sydney. Gallery hours Thurs-Sat 1-6pm. For further information please email or

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Environment Installation

The project’s proposal plans that a temporal environment installation will consist of mirror pieces cut to the specific dimension of the top surfaces of fence posts on the Bundanon property. Bundanon boasts an enormous property with vast rolling landscapes and magnificent open sky lines. The environment installation aims to merge the naturally occurring green landscape with the blue sky-scape. An introduction of mirrors along fence lines at Bundanon will lower the sky into the green landscape, allowing for a poetics in a contemporary creation of environment installation art.

The first in a series of temporal environment installations on the Bundanon property has been scheduled for Sunday October 17th. More dates to be confirmed.

2009 Finalist RBS Emerging Artist Award

The RBS Emerging Artist award is a newly branded award formerly known as the ABN AMRO Award. Lynch's work has been selected as a finalist and the work is on view now at the RBS Tower, 88 Philip Street, Sydney.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Artist statement – September 2009

The visual arts practice of Meredith Frances Lynch is a fusion-pursuit of painterly and multi-disciplinary art practice. An investigation into the shared territory between painting and other art forms, such as artist books, installation art, meditative practice, performance art, political art, and so forth is underway in the studio practice. This is an investigation into an expanded understanding of contemporary painting as one engages elements to do with painting. Meaning, the historic placement and definition of painting; the associated material matter; the work of artists considering themselves to be painters; and any other singled-out elements that might combine to shape the practice of painting - historically as well as contemporarily.

The studio practice is an exploration into the contemporary expanded field of painting. I create works that employ repetitive action, and in turn I engage a meditative process in the making of artworks. These paintings trace the time and act of creating the artworks and, consequentially, the artwork becomes an abstract form of diary of the creative experience completed by artist for the viewer to further contemplate.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

RBS Emerging Artist Award, 2009

This image depicts a study for 'Untitled Quiet' created in preparation for the RBS Emerging Artist Award - Shortlisted Artists Exhibition. The RBS Emerging Artist award is a newly branded award formerly known as the ABN AMRO Award. The above illustrated work will be on view Mon 7th - Fri 18th September 2009, at the RBS Tower, 88 Philip Street, Sydney.

Artwork by Meredith Frances Lynch
Photograph by Therese de Villier d'Hotman

Monday, March 9, 2009

New Landscapes Exhibition, Sydney, 2009

New Landscapes at Horus & Deloris Contemporary Art, Pyrmont, Sydney

An exhibition of new work by Jasmine Avril, Meredith Frances Lynch, Kylie McKendry, Bridget Minatel, Kevin Platt, & Mary Wenholz. Curated Meredith Frances Lynch

Exhibition Dates: 11th March – 1st April, 2009

Untitled (Moving Skies), 2008, by Meredith Frances Lynch, Acrylic on glass, 13 x 18

Nostalgia for the never known, 2008, by Kevin Platt, Hoop pine, kavir pine, plywood, TV, DVD, slides & projector

Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Landscapes - Exhibition Blurb

New Landscapes: Landscape as a vehicle.

‘New Landscapes’ presents worldly engagements and the quietude of paying attention. It presents a collection of artworks resultant of reflection upon and engagement with the world. This exhibition is to do with conceptual output as much as aesthetic practices. Illustrations of trees uninterrupted in bush scenes is not what can be found in ‘New Landscape’, these are not the visual traps of these artists’ work. The practices of Jasmine Avril, Meredith Frances Lynch, Kylie McKendry, Bridget Minatel, Kevin Platt, & Mary Wenholz deal with landscape from a myriad of perspectives; spatially, politically, experientially, as well as yes: visually. It is visual arts after all.

The artworks in this exhibition present numerous responses to the idea of an expanded form of landscape in the sense of conceptual artistic activity that sees artworks created that respond or relate to the world (or an aspect of world, space, people, knowledge, history, etc.). This is intentionally an open ended exhibition theme to allow for honesty within every artists’ work and concepts. ‘These works explore different ways of imagining landscape. They suggest ideas about our relationship to land, whether in terms of categorisation, ownership or belonging.’ (Avril) Conceptual output as a purist non-visual activity within the visual arts has evolved over the years. Melded activity is vigorous in artists’ practices today. This is the case now, in the works shown in this gallery by Avril, Lynch, McKendry, Minatel, Platt, & Wenholz as much as it this true for many works to do with landscape created by many, many, emerging artists today. The notion of landscape in this exhibition is a vehicle, it is a means of expression, a conceptual medium, and a means of transporting ideas.

- Meredith Frances Lynch. Sydney, 2009.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Action v Action at Gallery 4A, 2009

Action v Action - A Ten Day Painting Project at Sydney's Gallery 4A

Bundanon Artist in Residence

Above - Detail of one work completed at Bundanon: 'Untitled (Bundanon Landscape)' 2008. Lower image - Working in the Freedman studio at Bundanon, October 2008